【研討會】AI時代的數位社會 | CJD (Digital Society in the Age of AI | CJD) (10/30截稿)



「AI(人工智慧)在哪裡?」這是Roger Schank (1991)以及許多電腦科學和認知心理學的專家在80年代和90年代積極提出的問題。在2020年,這個問題有了前未有的發展——所謂的「人工智慧熱潮」出現了,並且出現了許多向廣大觀眾開放的程式,例如ChatGPT或Midjourney,這使我們可以宣稱:「AI無處不在」。

這個「熱潮」導致現代社會幾乎所有方面都發生了質變,尤其是那些在21世紀初期已經進行大規模數位化的領域:教育、經濟、公共行政、交通、娛樂、藝術等。與此同時,儘管理論家們預測了AI領域發展將帶來碩大的變化,許多現代AI項目的創造者,包括ChatGPT,對其產品的流行程度卻毫無準備(Heaven, 2023),更不用說普通使用者了。即便已有一些關於新一代AI出現所帶來的挑戰和進展的研究,也有相關法規的實施(比如歐盟的《人工智慧法案》),但這方面仍有大量分析空間。


  • 電子政務與數位公民身份
  • 網路詐騙與網路安全
  • 數位包容與數位鴻溝
  • 教育與數位學習
  • 數位勞動與自動化
  • 電子商務與加密經濟
  • 數位藝術
  • 媒體與社交網絡
  • 數位障礙與少數族群問題

文章字數要求為,英文文章 2000 – 3000 字,中文文章 3000 – 4500 字。我們接受學術文章、會議評論、訪談、圖片/影像散文、書/影評等。我們也歡迎多人合作發表。




提交摘要的截止時間為 2024 年 10 月 30 日 。


被接受的文章會發表在「衝突、正義與解殖:亞際社會批判研究計劃」(CJD)平台上(ISSN: 2709-5479)以及由CJD出版的特刊(ISSN: 2709-7943)。如果作者居住在台灣並擁有台灣的銀行帳戶,我們將提供每篇文章4,000台幣之稿酬。

Digital Society in the Age of AI

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to Conflict, Justice, Decolonization – a student-led project that encourages grad students to act as public intellectuals in the spirit of literary communism and the free association of young scholars in Taiwan and from around the world.

“Where is AI [artificial intelligence]?” is a question that Roger Schank (1991) and many other specialists in computer science and cognitive psychology actively raised back in the 1980s and 1990s. In the early 2020s, there was a further, previously unprecedented development – the so-called “AI boom,” the emergence of multiple programs available to millions of users, such as ChatGPT or Midjourney, therefore allowing us to answer the question with “AI is everywhere.”

This boom has led to qualitative changes in almost all aspects of modern society, especially those that have undergone massive digitalization by the beginning of the 21st century: education, economics, public administration, communication, entertainment, art, and many others. At the same time, despite the predictions of theorists about the exponential changes that will be caused by developments in the field of AI, the creators of many modern AI projects, including the aforementioned GPT-chat, were not prepared for such popularity of their products (Heaven, 2023), not to mention ordinary users. Even though there has been some research on the challenges and advances associated with the emergence of a new generation of AI, as well as some related regulations (eg., European Union’s AI Act), there remains plenty of room for exploration and analysis on pertinent issues.

Thus, we invite young scholars and practitioners to contribute to the exploration of the topic of AI and the larger field of information technology by submitting their papers to the CJD project, to examine how the latest AI developments have influenced our lives, including but not limited to the following aspects :

  • E-Government and Digital Citizenship
  • Internet Fraud and Cyber Security
  • Digital Inclusion and the Digital Divide
  • Education and Digital Learning
  • Digital Labour and Automation
  • E-commerce and Cryptoeconomics
  • Digital Art
  • Media and Social Networks
  • Digital Barriers and Minority Issues

We invite you all to submit an abstract (300-400 words in English, 450-600 characters in Mandarin) at the following Application Formhttps://forms.gle/6N5FrPt86MRJDTHa7

The deadline for abstract submission is October 30, 2024.

Articles should be 2,000 – 3,000 words if written in English and 3,000 – 4,500 characters if written in Mandarin Chinese. We accept scholarly articles, conference reviews, interviews, photo essays, video essays, and book and film reviews. We welcome both single-authored and co-authored manuscripts.

How to Apply

Please note that a full-text article is not required to complete the application. Please read Submission Guidelines available at https://cjdproject.web.nycu.edu.tw/submission-guidelines/.

Selected articles will be published on the CJD website (ISSN: 2709-5479) and in a special issue of our booklet (ISSN: 2709-7943). Authors of selected articles with a Taiwanese post office bank account will be awarded 4,000 NTD per article.

For more information or any questions, please visit https://cjdproject.web.nycu.edu.tw/ or contact us at iccs.cjdproject@gmail.com.